National Doragraphycs/이슈번역

서울 G20에 폭풍을 예고한다. by 바브 듀이어

MANSH 2011. 6. 14. 23:00

Chicago Indy Media, August 21, 2010
시카고 인디 미디아 2010 8 21일자

g20 Seoul: There Will Be A Storm
서울 G20 폭풍을 예고한다.

By Barb Dwyer

On August 3rd, the Korea Times reported that the National Police Agency will be mobilizing more than 400,000 police around the G-20 Summit in Seoul, November 11th & 12th, 2010. Multinational CEO's and leaders of the worlds twenty richest nations will meet during the G-20 on three islands, which have a price-tag of around 83 million(USD) to build...That's right, build. According to the Seoul Metropolitan Government, a total of three manmade “floating islands” are being built on the Han River between the Banpo and Dongjak bridges, and will be secured by anchors. 
 3 코리안 타임즈는 40 명도 넘는 국내 경찰 병력을 2010 11 11, 12일에 열리는 서울에서 열리는 G20 정상회의에 투입할 것을보도했다국제기업의 CEO 20개국의 선진국의 수장들은 G20기간 동안 3개의 섬에 머물러 모임을 가질 것이다 섬은 건설하는 비용만8300 달러 가까이 들인 것이다서울시의 발표에 따르면  3개의 인공물소위 떠다니는 ” 모두는 한강에 지어진 것으로 반포대표와동작대표 사이에 지어졌으며 닻으로 고정되어 있을 것이라고 말한다.

While thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets during past G-20 Summits in North America and Europe, South Korean workers and activists have a long history of being even more militant in their struggle against the destructive policies of globalization than their counterparts in the Northwest hemisphere. In December of 1996, the South Korean parliament passed a new labor law which began a "structural adjustment" austerity program on behalf of the IMF and World Bank. These programs require countries to make debt repayment a priority, and as a consequence forces them to cut essential social services such as health, education, and development, thus lowering their standard of living. These programs also open the door to the privatization of natural resources, such as ancient forests and public water supplies, to be exploited by multinational corporations. 

수천 명의 시위대가 지난  아메리카와 유럽에서 열린 G20기간 동안 거리를 점거한 것과 마찬가지로 남한의 노동자와 활동가들은 그들의반대편에 있는 서방 국가보다도 참혹한 세계화의 정책에 맞서 더욱 격렬하게 투쟁하는 기나긴 역사를 지냈다. 1996 12월에 남한 국회가새로운 노동법을 통과시키면서 월드 뱅크와 IMF 지원 아래 구조조정정책이라는 씁쓸한 프로그램을 시작했다이러한 프로그램은 국가로 하여금 채무 상황을 우선적 정책에 놓게 한다그리고 이러한 결과로써 국가들로 하여금 건강교육개발과 같은 필수적 사회 공공사업을 삭감하게 한다그러므로 국가  대중들이 누리는 삶의 질을 하락하게 된다이러한 정책은 또한 중립적인 자원의 민영화를 초래한다.예를 들면 아주 오래 전부터 있었던 산림이나 수자원 같은 것들이 국제 기업들에게 착취당한다.

In the days that followed, 12 million South Korean workers went on strike to counter the new undemocratic labor law. In the years that followed, South Korean's continued to protest against the destructive policies of neoliberalism, most notably the WTO in 2003, World Economic Forum in 2004, APEC in 2005, and numerous other occasions. As the 
g20 approaches, the Korea Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) has announced it is planning to hold a rally and march on November 11th, the first day of the Summit. According to their website, “...the KCTU will do everything in our power to stage a massive anti-neoliberalism struggle that will gain attention of people and workers around the globe. To this end, we will prepare to hold People’s Action and be a leader of a great transformation.”
이후 1200 명의 남한의 근로자들은 반민주적인 노동법에 맞서 파업을 시도했다 해가 지나고 남한은 신자유주의라는 암담한 정책에 대한 저항이 계속되었다특히 2003년의 WTO, 2004 세계 경제 포럼, 2005 APEC, 그리고   여러 국제행사들은 그러하였다. G20 가까워질 민주노총(the Korea Confederation of trade Uniuons, 이하 KCTU) G20 열리는 첫날인 12 11일에 대규모의 집회를 계획하고 있다고 발표했다그들의 웹사이트에 따르면, “민조노총은 신자유주의 반대 투쟁이 전세계의 사람들과 노동자들의 관심을 받을  있도록 힘이 닿는  무엇이든  것이다결국에는 우리는 대중의 움직임을 조성하고 커다란 전환을 위한 리더가 되기 위해 준비할 이라고 말한다.  

South Korean workers have often utilized the direct action tactics of resistance, such as strikes and factory takeovers, to large street demonstrations. It is not uncommon that the workers are also armed with slingshots, molotov cocktails, and sticks. Often times, in an act of more desperate resistance, workers commit suicide outside of their factories, sometimes through self-immolation. South Korean police on the other hand, much like their counterparts around the globe, have also demonstrated their willingness to continually brutalize their own citizens to quell public dissent of these policies. It is a well documented and common tactic for South Korean police to scrape the bottom of their metal shields on the concrete in order to sharpen the edges into a blade before they thrust their shields into the throats of protesters. Over the years, this brutal police tactic has led to the horrific deaths of many South Korean workers. 
남한의 근로자들은 이러한 직접적인 저항 전략을 사용해왔다예를 들면 파업이나 공장 농성거리 시위 같은 것을 말이다그러한 노동자들이 고무총이나 화염병막대기로 무장하는 것을 흔한 일이었다때로 더욱 과격한 시위  노동자들은 그들의 공장 외부에서 분실자살과 같은 자살시위를 벌이기도 했다그러나 한편으로 남한의 정책은 서방과 매우 유사하게 그들의 정책을 반대하는 대중들을 진압하기 위해 곧잘시민들을 무자비하게 학살했다한국 전투경찰들은 방패 하단을 콘크리트에 문질러 날을 세우는데 이는 시위자들의 안면을 가격하기 위해서였다이는 그들의 문서화된 이유이자 일반적 전략이다 년이 지나자 이러한 야만적인 경찰의 전략은  많은 남한 노동자들의 끔찍한죽음을 초래했다.


All this comes at a time when the fallout from past G-20's are still fresh in the air. During the 2009 G-20 Summit in London, Ian Tomlinson was beaten to death by police. On July 21st, 2010, his wife and nine children learned that the London police would not investigate his death, despite video and photographic evidence. None of the officers went to the aid of Tomlinson, who stumbled 100 yards down the road before collapsing and dying in front of thousands of demonstrators. In Canada, the police have begun an old-fashion witch hunt for the people they suspect are responsible for the property damage that occurred during the G-20 in Toronto. Up to 17 people are being charged with conspiracy and at least 4 individuals still remain in jail. In the wake of the Pittsburgh Summit, many cases still remain in court regarding criminal charges against activists, as well as the excessive use of force by police.
지난 G20 여운이 가시지 않은 시기에 다음과 같은 일들이 닥쳐왔다. 2009 G20 정상회담이 런던에서 열렸을  이안 톰린슨은 경찰에게맞아 죽었다. 2010 7 21일에는 그의 부인과 9명의 자녀들은 경찰들이 그의 죽음을 조사하지 않았다고 고발했다심지어 영상자료와 사진으로 남은 증거가 있었는데도 말이다어떤 정부 관련자들도 톰밀슨을 도와주지 않았다그가 수천 명의 시위자들의 앞에서 쓰러져 죽기까지 발길에 채인 거리가 100야드가 된다고 한다.  캐나다 토론토에서 G20 기간 동안에는 경찰들은 구식의 마녀 사냥 방식을 동원해 그들이혐의를 두고 있는 사람들로 하여금 재산적 피해를 물게  일이 생겼다. 17명 이상의 사람들이 공동 모의 혐의로 유죄를 받았고 적어도 4명은 아직도 감옥에 있다피츠버그 회담의 소동에서는 운동가에게 부여된 유죄에 대한 것뿐 아니라 경찰에 의해 행사된 권한의 남용도 마찬가지로 여전히 많은 법원소송문제로 남아있다.


Whenever, and wherever, these large summits take place they are always preempted by a heavy campaign of psychological operations (PSYOPS) to prepare the population for the inevitable urban warfare and heavy handed police tactics that ensue. Authorities, for months ahead of time, tell local residents propaganda, such as “the rioters will threaten your lives” and “burn your city like Seattle in 1999” and that the “police are here to protect YOU, from THEM.” However, our collective experiences globally show us who the real violent faction is...In the past, we've seen all too often the police instigate violence, only to have the embedded corporate media twist the facts in their reporting later on. Given who they are protecting, and who pays their salary, it should be no surprise that the goal of both the police and corporate media is to delegitimize demonstrators and create pretexts to silence them. It is commonplace now that peaceful citizens are rounded up like sheep in “mass arrests” in order to create and/or expand their intelligence database of dissidents. The people who choose to resist and/or practice self-defenses are often labeled “terrorists” and face a multitude of oppressive weapons such as live-round and less-lethal ammunition, chemical weapons, and even newer oppressive directed energy technologies such as the LRAD sound cannon. Not only are the policies of neoliberalism destructive to human lives, the environment, and future of humanity in general, it could not be made possible without the collaborating authorities that protect these elite criminals through violence and deception. 
이러한 거대한 회담이 열리기 전에 항상 그들은 엄청난 심리작전(PSYOPS) 수행한다이는 피할  없는  시내폭동과 잇따를 대규모적인경찰 운용에 필요한 병력을 배치하기 위해서다 때가 오기에 앞서 대변인들은 지역민들의 프로파간다를 조성한다말하자면 폭도들이당신의 생명을 위협할 이나 “1999 시애틀처럼 도시를 방화할 이라고 말하는 것이다그리고 경찰이 배치된 이유는 시민들을 폭도들로부터 지켜내기 위해 있는 이라고 말한다그러나 전세계적으로 우리들의 정확한 경험은 이는 누가 정말 폭력적인지를 알려준다과거에 우리가  것은 때로 경찰들이 폭력을 유발하는 행동이다이는 경찰과 관련 깊은 지방 언론이 차후 보도될 내용을 왜곡시키기 위한 것이었다그들이 지키고 있는 대상이 누구인지 누가 그들의 임금을 주는 지를  경찰과 지역 언론의 목적이 시위자들을 저지하고 그들을잠재울 핑계를 만드는 것이라는 사실은 전혀 놀랍지 않다이제는 반대자들에 대한 영리한 토대를 만들기 위해 순한 양떼 양과 같이 평화로운 시민들을 조성하는 것은 흔한 일이다저항을 선택하거나 정당방위를 수행하는 사람들은 때로 테러리스트들이라는 낙인이 찍힌다그리고 그들은 다양하고 불쾌한 문제에 직면하기도 한다말하자면 생명 문제나 다소 치명적인 것들화학무기심지어 LRAD(Long Range Acoustic Device) 음향대포와 같이 압제자가 관리하는 에너지 신기술도 그렇다인간의 완경과 보편적 인류의 미래를 파괴시킬  있는 신자유주의 정책뿐만 아니라연대 권한이 없다면 폭력과 기만을 통한 그들의 엘리트 범죄자들의 보호는 불가능했을 것이다.


As we've seen in other locations where these summits were held, South Korean police have already began their crackdown on immigrants, homeless, unions, students, and activists. Authorities there have launched large-scale deportations and raids against migrant workers and street vendors are slowly being moved out to prepare the battlefield. According to the Korean Times, “During a recent rally in front of Myeongdong Cathedral in downtown Seoul, Michel from the Philippines, the chief of the Migrants’ Trade Union, condemned the ongoing crackdown, saying, '“The Korean government is using the G-20 Summit as an excuse to trouble minorities. We want the government to end their oppressive behavior. End the crackdown!”'
우리가 G20 열렸던 다른 지역에서 보앗듯남한의 경찰도 이미 이민자와 부랑아노조학생들운동가들에 대한 단호한 조취를 준비하고있다그들이 가진 권력은 해외 노동자과 가판상인들을 대규모로 국외로 추방하거나 불시 검거를 하여 서서히 시위를 참여하지 못하는 상태로 만들고 있다코리안 타임즈에 따르면, “서울 시내에 있는 명동 대성당의 최근 거리 시위에서 외국인 노조장인 필리핀인 마이클 씨가 경찰의 엄격한 단속에 걸려 유죄를 선고 받았다마이클 씨는 이렇게 말했다고 한다. “한국 정부는 G20 정상회담을 소수자를 괴롭히기 위한구실로 삼고 있다우리는 한국 정부에게 그들의 포악한 행동을 끝내기를 희망한다그리고 이러한 경찰의 과도한 단속도 말이다!”

Amidst the growing state repression in the lead up to the G-20 in Seoul, the South Korean National Police Agency (NPA) has created a special police unit as part of its effort to enhance security around the summit. Police operations headquarters will be set up in Seoul September 1st and will bring in elite mobile field force units of "riot troops" from across the nation. All officers will continue to be on high alert until November when hundreds of finance/business CEO's and world leaders gather in Seoul, in an attempt to fix the crisis their policies created. This will undoubtedly become a milestone for the G-20 and within the anti-globalization movement, as South Korea becomes the first country in the Asian region, and from the "emerging world", to host a G-20 Summit.

서울의 G20 개최를 앞두고 점차 심각해지는 국가의 억압 속에서 한국 경찰청은 회담 주변부의 보안을 강화하기 위한 방편으로 특수 경찰이란 병과를 만들었다경찰작전부는 9 1일자에 서울에 유치될 것이며 국가 전역에서  이러한 우스꽝스러운 병정들의 정예기동부대를투입할 것이다모든 공직자는 수 명의 CEO들과 각국의 수장들이 서울에 보이기는 11월까지는 매우 높은 수준의 비상상태를 유지할 것이다.  경찰들이 만든 위기를 모면해가면서 말이다이것은  세계화 운동 상에서는 의심할 여지 없이 G20 획기적인 사건이  것이다.왜냐하면 남한은 독립국가에서는 아시아 지역에서 처음으로 G20정상 회담의 주최자가 되었기 때문이다.

Based on the outcome of previous G-20 Summits and the response of South Korean police to demonstrations in the past, it is almost guaranteed that the South Korean people can expect extreme police repression and increased erosion of their hard-won democracy, before, during, and after the summit. As in the past, the G-20 will almost certainly conclude in an undemocratic fashion, and will attempt to promote and solidify more of the same oppressive neoliberal policies the working people of the world struggle against every day. On the one side is neoliberalism, with all its repressive power and machinery of death; on the other side is humanity.
지난 G20회담의 결과와 남한 경찰이 과거에 시위자들에 대해 어떤 대응을 했는가를  남한 사람들은 과도한 경찰 진압과 그들이 어렵게 얻은 민주주의가 급격히 부패하는 것을 예상할  있다는 점은 확실하. G20 회담 전에도그리고 회담을 하는 중에도그리고 이후에도 그럴 것이다과거처럼  G20 반민주주적인 방식으로 거의 확실하게 결말 지을 것이다그리고 이는 전세계의 투쟁하는 노동자이 매일 싸우고 있는 과도한 신자유주의적 정책들  많은 것이 촉진되고 응집되는 시도가 나타날 것이다이러한 다른 편에는 신자유주의가 있다그들은 무자비한 권력을 지닌 살인기계를 가지고 있다그러나  반대의 편에는 인간에 대한 애정이 있다.


There will be a storm...
폭풍이 다가올 것이다.

G20을 쥐20으로 풍자했다는 의유만으로 기소되었다는 소식을 들었을 때가 기억납니다. G20에서 논하는 신자유주의적인 정책을 위해 반민주적인 행위를 취하는 공권력을 보니 마음이 아픕니다.